The Tao of the Moon Woman ® and her art of touching: Chi Nei Tsang for women
Recontacting one's feminine essence means coming back to oneself, dropping one's mask and daring to feel what one is deep down inside. From this is reborn all the secret identity and healing power of the Woman. She can then walk towards her dream and approach the healing techniques in all serenity: she is able to transform her powerful ovarian essence into vital energy, she is at the source of her beauty, strength and natural medicine. This is called cultivating her Yin-Yang balance, unearthing the hidden sources of Chi: the vital energy then flows freely, spontaneously unifying body and mind.
Softness, pleasure, warmth, sensuality, happiness, beauty, cocooning...
The TAO de la FEMME LUNE ® opens a path for the woman who wants to relearn to love herself. Because very often her social life prevents her from having natural access to her own mystery... The practice of the ancestral Tao, soft and benevolent, respectful of the feminine curves, combined with the regenerating massage of the belly and the whole body, helps the woman to find her deep marks, her innate sense of life and her forgotten knowledge. It allows her to descend to the sources of her warmth, in the soft cocoon of her repairing uterus, the "home" of her fertile belly: her emotional life is lightened, fluidified... She regains confidence because she returns to her natural strength. The breathing of all the regions of the belly, the deep return to Mother Earth by the feeling of the rooted body, let the feminine emerge...
The ART OF TOUCHING joins the listening of oneself and the other in its feminine, that is to say in its true feeling. It encompasses all the gestures of happiness, the happiness of living in harmony, between one's own breath and that of the Earth...
The CHI NEI TSANG applied to the Woman, helps her to regenerate her internal organs, in relation to her creative sexual energy. She learns to re-align her internal structure with the natural forces of Earth and Heaven that speak directly to her feminine centre. She relearns to connect to the universal flow of the life force that regenerates her energetic essence. She is developing her listening and deep feeling, unravelling the tangles that tie her abdomen, releasing the tensions from the skin to the deep viscera for a long term emotional transformation. She learns to accompany and support another woman on her way to her Centre, to the secret sources of her self-healing.