Taoist Internal Alchemy - level 2

Taoist Internal Alchemy

At this advanced stage of practice, the student is well into his emotional detoxification. He knows how to transform his negative emotions and make his vital energy circulate. The exercises that follow will allow him to enter the phase of multiplying the positive energy of self-healing.

The Iron Shirt Qi Gong

It includes the study of 5 essential postures for learning to put down roots in several stages:

  • centering, Yin and Yang breathing, releasing the flows
  • the amplification of the connections to the elemental forces
  • the quality of emotional clarification and the multiplication of the vital force in the Microcosmic Orbit
  • stimulation of tendons and bone marrow
  • know how to cultivate absorption and the least resistance within the framework of pushing with a partner

Vacuum Force Breathing

Qi gong essential in learning to center and detoxify the second brain, the abdominal brain, this breathing is based on the rooting of the postures of the Iron Shirt. It mixes the power of the mind's concentration with breathing and self-massage movement to penetrate deeply into the region of the abdomen and vital organs. The organic fascias are filled with Chi and the vital organs are protected from the incursions of disease. Small strokes made with a bamboo whip are applied to the vital organs and bones. This invigorates the immune system and increases the production of white blood cells.

It is also a very powerful pelvic power building exercise.

The Nei Gong of the Bone Marrow

Bones form a powerful, flexible and living structure that humans can effectively rely on to boost their vitality and longevity. The student learns to breathe and compress the marrow of his bones in order to strengthen and tone the blood cells responsible for natural immunity.

Tai Ji Qi gong I

This sequence of Tai Ji comes from the Chen and Yang traditions. It is essentially focused on the internal regeneration of the organic, bone and tendon systems through the moving Qi gong.

It includes 13 energetic movements combining the radiation of the 5 elements and the 8 forces in the 5 cardinal directions. It represents a precious learning of the rooting in the movement of the body in space, of centering in movement, of the maturation of the potential force in action and of the very essence of Tai ji Shuan.

Dan's Qi gong

It presents a set of exercises based on the following principles:

  • the strengthening of rooting in the study of animal postures
  • toning of the lower Dan tien through breathing exercises involving the pelvic floor and flexibility of the diaphragm
  • the complementarity of mind, breath and movement in the maintenance of Qi tone and longevity.

These are excellent revitalizing and centering exercises that greatly strengthen pelvic tone, kidney energy and strengthen the sacrocranial connection.

The Tao Yin

Dao yin means "to guide the Qi by breathing". It is a sequence of movements performed while lying down and sitting on the floor to mobilize the sacro-lumbar region, tone the kidney region, the psoas muscle and the lower Dan tien. Very revitalizing for the entire spine and tendon system, Dao Yin helps to regenerate the entire deep musculature of the pelvis and small pelvis. It warms and stretches the psoas muscle and considerably revitalizes the circulation of blood and lymph in the lower limbs, restoring vitality and youthfulness to the spine.

The transformation of sexual energy into an elixir of vitality and longevity

Sexual energy, or Jing Qi in Chinese, is housed in the kidneys and represents a formidable reserve of vital energy. Unfortunately, it is not inexhaustible and is regularly subjected to stress, fatigue, overwork and emotional trauma.

The Taoists have used it for thousands of years as an elixir of youth, prosperity and longevity by learning the techniques of "conservation", "control" and "transformation" of sexual energy for the purpose of improving the quality of life, health and happiness of living.

  • Women: learn how to regulate their menstrual cycle and increase their sexual vitality through Breast Massage, Ovarian Breathing and the practice of Jade Egg.
  • The Man: learns to control and regulate his ejaculation to save sperm energy. He stops his premature ejaculation problems, prevents possible erection problems and increases his receptivity to feminine energy through the Testicle Massage, the Sexual Energy Boost and the Great Orgasmic Thrust.
  • The Couple: develops the marvellous fusion of yin and yang and multiplies the energy of love in the direction of what is called the "multi-orgasm", that is to say a creative energy so powerful that it has the power to illuminate the body, the heart and the spirit. The sexual energy transmuted into a vital force in the couple relationship opens up the fabulous horizons of the reconciliation of the sexes and their complementarity both in sexual ecstasy and the delicious happiness of shared daily life.

The transformation of sexual energy into a creative life force is also a royal door open to spiritual development at the highest level of fulfillment.