Fabienne FLAMAND
UHTS Senior Instructor
Founder of the Tao of the Moon Woman ®
Fabienne Flamand is Senior Instructor of the Universal Healing Tao System of Master Mantak Chia and Director of the School of Living Tao.
When she received from 1991-1992 from this authentic Grand Master of Taoist Internal Alchemy the secrets of feminine sexual fulfillment, it was absolute love at first sight. Something happens in her in the order of revelation and re-connection. She then devotes herself body and soul to an assiduous practice that reveals to her the hidden treasures of a true method attentive to the creative blossoming of femininity. She sees herself as the evidence of a necessary transmission to the women of contemporary society who seem to suffer the discomfort of a "cut" between their psyche and their sexual body, as if the two were just waiting to be finally reconnected.
With her experience of teaching a large number of women and her daily exploration and training to feel the benefits of the "reconnection" of these three inseparable entities that are the female mind, heart and body, she created Le Tao de la Femme Lune ® in the 2000s.
Having in turn become a mother of two children between 2007 and 2013, she has full opportunity to experience the very strength of her method which will help her, too, time and time again to overcome the difficulties of her life as a woman quite simply. As she often says, "A real little miracle, this TAO" is an invitation to all women who feel the call to gently turn inward to find the fine flower of awakening to the creative energy that carries the seeds of fulfillment. It is all there.
A book is now being written...